Unfinished, Far from Perfect, but Here

Being Bold.

I’ve thought for years…and years and years and years about starting a blog. And I did, for a little bit, but I kept it about my photography and my clients. It’s so much easier to share freely when it isn’t about you! But, I’m a thinker and a feeler, with thoughts racing from one project or idea to the next. I love to problem solve and hash it out, and always want to do that with others. I always want to share the failures and successes as maybe it can help someone else even if it Is just by not repeating the same mistakes. So a blog has always been a great endeavor…

Except that it requires consistency authenticity and vulnerability. It means sharing the hard along the way, not just after you’ve overcome.

And y’all. Yes I say y’all know after a few tours in the South. Y’all…that is just not easy for me! More and more as I grow, I realize this weakness of mine. Do I care what others think? Of course not! Except, apparently I do. A LOT. And, I don’t totally love where I am with that these days.

So, part of showing up right now while things aren’t really “ready” in any aspect of my life, is to overcome that battle some within myself. I know that showing up authentically is the only way to show up (hence why I will usually disappear off social media during the hard). I value when others can show mistakes gracefully. So, it’s time to push past and see if this is something I can do.

So where is life not really perfect? Oh you know, pretty much all aspects. The Navy brought us to Atlanta, GA just a few months ago. House hunting at the peak of the housing insanity, but also knowing rates are rising, rents are insane, and the Navy doesn’t exactly keep up with those trends…we decided to buy a house. Yup. We rented out our house in VA in hopes to return after these short 12 month orders, bought a house that felt like a reallllly good idea in a lot of ways…and know we are 3 months into projects alllllll the time, praying the market is okay next Summer, and we haven’t made a terrible mistake.

I plan to share some of our house projects on this blog. They’re ridiculously not professional and very much “I bet we can figure that out maybe”, but we’ve learned a lotttt along the way. Some about the project itself, and lots about ourselves. Like, maybe we don’t do this again for a long time, haha.

And then there’s my photography business. Why did I suddenly get the urge to be really back in business again on 12 month orders? Well, I’m just going to trust God on that one. I’ll save all of those thoughts for another blog post, but for now, I’m so glad you are here and truly hope you find value, new thoughts, or just some giggles or nodding along if you relate to anything you’ve read.

Cheers to the becoming and the journey, not just the end game.


A New Season