Lent Season of Preparation

Happy Valentine’s Day and Happy Ash Wednesday! A day late, because I couldn’t finish my thoughts on this in time, ha. I am sure that someday sooner than later, I will actually blog things on the topic of photography, the house, etc. But. Blogging to me becomes inspiring when I really share my heart, and I am just more inspired on days like today.

Similar to New Year’s and my last post, I absolutely love the season of Lent. Over the years, I’ve given up certain habits, practices, or “addictions”. In my late teens to adult life, I began to change my practice from giving up a specific item, to more of giving up a behavior and replacing it with something that draws me closer to the Lord.

Perhaps because this has been such a season of small changes leading to transformation in my own spiritual life, I am just exceptionally thrilled to really focus on these 40 days with the Lord.

I’ve added in some practices over the years that have drawn me closer to God, and with each practice I find that I desire even more. Especially have these past few months, I have found that there really is nothing sweeter than living life WITH Him. The concept of God creating us to dwell with us - that that fulfillment and peace and joy from Him comes from His Holy Spirit living in us - it is everything these days. And I find the moments where He is in me are the ones I want more of. I don’t want them to be blips, or few and far between. I imagine Heaven to be just that - the constant dwelling and joy. But here on Earth, I long to live with those moments becoming closer and closer together as I grow in my faith and formation.

So how do I do that? My repeat lesson is that it really is so very simple.

Stop doing things out of order.

Stop guessing at what He wants me to be doing and simply spend time with Him and ask.

Stop wondering what is next, and start my day with Him first.

Stop running around checking things off my list, and ask Him what the priority should be.

So this season is all about the order of operations. Many of these I’ve incorporated as a pretty regular part of my life, but there is something about taking 40 days of discipline to really make sure it’s a solid practice and preparation for what is next.

Beginning my day in silence and solitude with Him. For me, the Lord’s prayer and 10-20 minutes of just sitting with Him. Not necessarily praying or talking or asking or thinking or journaling. Just resting with Him. Before the kids get up.

A psalm a day. In no particular order. Journaling what, if anything, speaks louder than usual.

The sermon on the mount - I am really longing to read more about Jesus’ exact teaching after He came out of the desert. And I’m tempted to buy some bible studies for this, but I also think I am just supposed to read Matthew 5-7 on repeat and see what He has for me.

And the big one for practical practice. Screen time. I bought a cute box to put my phone in when the kids are home, and it will go to that box at night as well. If I’m working, it needs to be primarily on my computer and not my phone so I’m not bouncing all over the place. I want time with my people to be present time. Time with work to be present and focused. Time wit the Lord to be present and intimate. And the phone allows for none of that. So, cute box it goes and maybe a new alarm clock for my room so that I really won’t have it next to me at all!

I would love to hear if you practice Lent or your thoughts on it. Is it something you’ve considered? What would you give up or take on in this season? What needs to be stripped away?


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