New Year Reset…or Not?

Virginia Beach Family Photographer

I have to say, I love New Years. I love making resolutions. I love a reset. New focus. New goals. I know not everyone feels that way, and I’m not sure I have always been this way, but somewhere in the last decade or so, I’ve realized that every positive change is just that. Some steps toward completing a goal is a step forward. I think we often say “I wanted to run 50 miles, but I only ran 25”. But is 25 more than you had run? Maybe you didn’t complete 50 miles YET, but did you show yourself that you can run 25? So many of us get caught up in the fear of failure, that we don’t remember how to get started.

As a parent, this is the lesson we are constantly teaching our kids. “Get up and try again.” “It takes time to learn.” “You’ll get there.” A baby isn’t born ready to walk. They’re not born ready to crawl, or even roll over. They have to start with learning to simply hold up their head! The goal is walking that first year, but you’d never tell anyone your baby failed when they learned to roll over. You’d be excited at the process and progress. Look at such a positive change your little one has made! Look at the new connections being made, the strength being built, the confidence being grown.

Maybe we tackle our new year like children again. Maybe we appreciate the process a little bit more, and break down the progress so we can be encouraged by our own strides. Maybe we take some time to set some new goals because we aren’t afraid of failure, but instead, will look back and see overall growth. And you know what happens when you do this? You’re inspired. You work harder. You rest better. You feel the yes stronger, and recognize where to say no faster.

In a world of distraction, my encouragement to you is to take some time to prioritize what you are living for. What is your goal this year? What do you want it to look like? Feel like? Where do you want to be next year when you sit down to do this again?

I want to be strong this year. I want to feel, look, and be healthy and energetic. I want to cultivate relationships, organize my business, and have clarity on what is next by this time next year. I want to be a person of love and peace, living daily with the Lord, asking Him what He wants my next steps to be. So new habits are being adopted, old habits will be strengthened, and some habits will need to be replaced.

What are your goals? Where do you want to be? Don’t add any buts to the end of your dreams. Maybe, instead, you just take the next step forward.

Cheers to a beautiful 2024, living in light of His truths and promises, seeking joy in the everyday, and becoming who He has created us to be.


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